Spent money on others
Spent money on others

The over 60 percent of participants who reported donating to charity in the past month appear, on average, to have higher levels of Subjective Well-Being, a measure of happiness, compared to those who did not donate to charity. Our results show across all of the demographic groups, spending money on others is robustly related to happiness." "One of the novel contributions of the study is that we can estimate the relationship between these spending choices and happiness because of the sample's substantial size and diversity. "As a happiness researcher, I am pleased to share the findings of one of the largest and most diverse studies on this topic," said Dr. The research found that individuals who donate money to charity report being happier than others, regardless of age, gender, and income levels. Elizabeth Dunn, Chief Science Officer at Happy Money and the co-author of "Happy Money: The New Science of Happier Spending", and PhD student Iris Lok. The study, published in Plos One, leverages Happy Money data and was co-authored by Dr. ORANGE COUNTY, Calif., J/PRNewswire/ - Happy Money, a leading platform for unsecured lending in partnership with credit unions, today announced a recent study that reveals new links between someone's happiness and spending money on others (prosocial spending) and making time-saving purchases (buying time).

spent money on others spent money on others

Giving to Charity Linked to Greater Happiness - Equivalent to Earning $36,000 More Income Individuals Who Donate Money to Charities Report Being Happier Than Others Across All Demographics

Spent money on others